Thomas Hope, PhD
Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology
For more than a decade my laboratory has focused on utilizing the methods of cell biology to study HIV. I was one of the pioneers of taking this approach. To facilitate our work we have developed a series of novel tools and approaches. Our core approach has been deconvolution microscopy. Much of our effort has focused on live cell observations, which reveal novel insights into the dynamics of biological functions. Using live cell microscopy, we have found that HIV moves on microtubules. Further, we were able to define the mechanism of the enhancement of infectivity by dendritic cells through an “infectious synapse”. Finally we have revealed the dynamic nature of the interaction between HIV and TRIM5 alpha in the cytoplasm during restriction. More recently we have begun to look at the interaction of HIV with intact epithelial barriers which line the surfaces exposed during sexual transmission. Here we will utilize our expertise to better understand and define the nuclear import pathways using our different technologies.
Selected Publications
Fahrbach KM, Malykhina O, Stieh DJ, Hope TJ “Differential binding of IgG and IgA to mucus of the female reproductive tract.” PLoS One, 2013, 8(10) p. e76176. Summary | Full Text (PMC) | Full Text (DOI)
Forthal D, Hope TJ, Alter G “New paradigms for functional HIV-specific nonneutralizing antibodies.” Curr Opin HIV AIDS, 2013, 8(5) p. 393-401. Summary | Full Text (PMC) | Full Text (DOI)
Shukair SA, Allen SA, Cianci GC, Stieh DJ, Anderson MR, Baig SM, Gioia CJ, Spongberg EJ, Kauffman SM, McRaven MD, Lakougna HY, Hammond C, Kiser PF, Hope TJ “Human cervicovaginal mucus contains an activity that hinders HIV-1 movement.” Mucosal Immunol, 2013, 6(2) p. 427-34. Summary | Full Text (PMC) | Full Text (DOI)
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Telephone: 312-503-1360