Proteomics Core Facility

Proteomics Core Director

Peter Faull, Ph.D.

(312) 503-4427

Northwestern Proteomics integrates the Proteomics Center of Excellence and the Proteomics Core under one banner. This union enables us to offer more advanced and efficient proteomics analyses to the Northwestern University community, as well as the capacity to handle multiple projects, both large and small. Our research faculty and core facility staff are experts in technology development for complex sample analysis using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for untargeted and targeted applications in proteomics and metabolomics. We offer multiple types of experiments from simple protein identification to protein quantitation (both relative and absolute). We also perform both traditional bottom-up proteomics, where proteins are digested with an enzyme prior to analysis and intact, top-down proteomics analyses. The ability to perform top-down proteomics within our core facility distinguishes from many other proteomics cores across the world. 

We are committed to providing the best proteomics research on a budget. Our researchers and PhD-level proteomics experts will work with you to review each project as it comes in and offer consultation to ensure that everyone’s expectations are met and that the experiments we perform have the best chance for success.

Select the service that’s right for you

Northwestern Proteomics offers three levels of service depending on your research needs

Services available for rapid turnaround, but offer minimal customization

Services that typically require a bit more planning (even before the experiments are performed in your laboratory)

Service lines with support for the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Support Grant that require more complex analysis

How do we work?

Depending on your project, we have three general methods for interaction.

Core Facility, Fee for Service

If you need quick results, this is your best bet. In this mechanism, we work with you to complete a defined task using well-established, validated service lines and protocols. You are charged per sample at our cost-study approved rate. We bill fee-for-service work through   NUCore, the centralized ordering system for shared facilities at Northwestern University. Instructions for sample submission can be found   here.

Partially Funded Staff, Grant Collaborator

Deeper collaboration usually involves the partial funding of a Northwestern Proteomics Staff member or postdoctoral associate. We believe this to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. You have dedicated professional proteomics specialist to help guide your project to completion.

Fully Funded Staff, Grant Co-Investigator

In this model, we are collaborating on the specific aims on a research grant, developing tailored methods and helping you to advance your field. This is best for large endeavors requiring the adaptation or development of the latest techniques for proteomics research.


Work performed in the proteomics core should be acknowledged as shown below:

“Proteomics services were performed by the Northwestern Proteomics Core Facility, generously supported by NCI CCSG P30 CA060553 awarded to the Robert H Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, instrumentation award (S10OD025194) from NIH Office of Director, and the National Resource for Translational and Developmental Proteomics supported by P41 GM108569.”

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