The general scope of a project to determine the protein molecules that comprise the cells within the human body is framed. By focusing on protein primary structure as expressed in specific cell types, this concept for a cell-based […]
Blood Proteoform Atlas Human Proteoform Atlas
Nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and small molecules are major constituents of the human cell but as molecular biology barreled ahead in terms of progress, another major class of macromolecules was “inadequately considered,” notes Ajit Varki of the University of California […]
All human diseases involve proteins, yet our current tools to characterize and quantify them are limited. To better elucidate proteins across space, time, and molecular composition, we provide provocative projections for technologies to meet the challenges that protein […]
Proteins are the primary effectors of function in biology, and thus complete knowledge of their structure and properties is fundamental to deciphering function in basic and translational research. The chemical diversity of proteins is expressed in their many […]
Identifying precise molecular forms of proteins can improve our understanding of function Proteoforms—the different forms of proteins produced from the genome with a variety of sequence variations, splice isoforms, and myriad posttranslational modifications (1)—are critical elements in all […]
Our mission is to advance the measurement of human proteins with greater precision, to bring to the world the benefits of absolute molecular specificity when it comes to interrogating proteins at the molecular level. Hence, the full expression […]